Welcome to our new column called AudioSLAVES.

Basically we have asked our favourite people to tell us all about their favourite pieces of music, and to give us a commentary on why they have chosen the piece. Over the coming months we will be building a playlist (once we have sussed out the technology) that will hopefully grow into a very cool, and extremely varied, list of tunes as chosen by some of the top names in the industry.

So with that preamble dispensed with, a very warm welcome to our first honoured guest, Bridget Silvestri.

If you recognise the name that’s because Bridget is a model, spokeswoman for Trashy Lingerie and first and foremost the woman that keeps comic superstar, and Top Cow Head Honcho, Marc Silvestri smiling 24-7.

Here is what Bridget chose as her contribution and why……

“Hmmmmmmmmmmm! You know this task was tougher than I imagined it would be, maybe because I love all kinds of music depending on my mood, but after some thought I have chosen the songs that stand out as points of interest in my life. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, because the first time I heard it I felt a new raw energy that was exciting and different; kind of like when I was a teenager and heard Anarchy in the UK for the first time, by the Sex Pistols. To me, both of those songs changed the trend of music for a generation. Butt, (pointing to my own!), right now I find myself listening to a lot of R & B and Hip Hop, cuz I’m a dancing fool ;-)


Bridget Silvestri

  • Russell Sheath Russ Sheath is 31 and lives and works in Devon, in the UK. Currently studying for a post graduate teaching qualification, Russ has worked as a manager in comics’ retail and spent time defending his nation as a member of the regular and reserve armed forces.