New Avengers: Illuminati #4

Writers: Brian Michael Bendis and Brian Reed
Artist: Jim Cheung
Publisher: Marvel
Price: $2.99

Illuminati 4

If there is a competition for the most bizarre opening of a title this month then Illuminati puts itself up for nomination from the start and is a strong contender to take the title this month. Opening with the Illuminati gathering for a meeting, this quickly turns into a discussion about how the Illuminati relate to the women in their lives. It’s a wonderfully bizarre exchange, but it does have a purpose in getting us into their mindset for the main purpose of this issue.

Which is:

To sort out how Marvel Boy actually fits into the Marvel Universe. Grant Morrison and J G Jones’ Marvel Boy that is. For quite a long time there was the belief that Marvel Boy was in fact the first Ultimate title, but last year during the Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways miniseries it was revealed that he was in fact in the main Marvel Universe. What this issue sets out to do is look at how the Illuminati decide to address the problem of Marvel Boy, a Kree who has come to Earth intending to take it over.

Following on from the discussion about how each of the Illuminati deal with their love lives the issue moves to look at how they approach Noh-Varr, the Marvel Boy, and attempt to change his mind. It’s very nicely done, with a huge amount of fun in the process. I’ve got to say that I haven’t laughed along with an issue like this for quite some time. The points being made are very serious, but there’s a lightness of touch which I think has been present throughout this series. As this series now progresses towards the present day I look forward to seeing how everything ties up, especially as we know some elements will carry over into the other Avengers’ titles.

Jim Cheung delivers another tour de force. This is an artist who knows how to deliver awe and spectacle and he does so effortlessly here. He also delivers the characterisation in the numerous conversations (hey it’s co written by Bendis) throughout the title.

Another fun issue of the Illuminati.

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  • MARK PEYTONMark Peyton – has a MA in History and Research from the University of Hull specialising in the Hundred Years War. In a complete departure from that he now runs communications and membership for a UK based Trade Union as well as being a part time writer/journalist. He is a founding member of Millarworld acting as a moderator and as an editor for Fractal Matter.