True Story Swear to God #1

Writer: Tom Beland
Artist: Tom Beland
Publisher: Image Comics
Price: $2.99

I’d heard a lot of good things about True Story Swear to God so when I found a beaten up copy of the first trade, Chances Are . . ., in my LCS sale box a couple of years back I didn’t think twice. Here was a book that had received consistently good reviews at one of my favourite online haunts The Fourth Rail (RIP guys you will be missed). A few pounds off for a bit of superficial damage sealed the deal. I headed home with this piece of black and white “slice of life” goodness amongst all the colourful spandex I pick up most of the time. You see, I may love the guys and gals in capes, but if it’s a comic book of any kind I’ll give it a shot without prejudice.

So, a few weeks later, I sat my arse down on my comfy comic reading beanbag, devoured it in one sitting and must say it charmed the pants off me. This collection of the first 4 issues introduced Tom and his soon to be lady love Lily Garcia. Here we had a freelance Cartoonist from Napa Valley, California and a Radio & TV presenter from Puerto Rico who just happened to be in the same place at the same time. I got to see how 2 people from such different worlds met, fell for each other and the ensuing difficulties they experienced as a couple separated by distance and culture. Knowing my wife’s distain for my obsession with “men in silly costumes” I immediately passed her this and demanded she check it out. She did so, also loved it and put me under strict orders to get the next book for us both.

Flash forward to the present and after about 17 issues Tom has moved from Larry Young’s AIT imprint to Image comics and with that comes a new first issue. I came to it after still only reading that first trade. Yes, I did order that second one as soon as it came out. However, the mailman in his infinite wisdom decided to put the package of that and other trades in our recycling bin. All I had was the note to advise of this when we returned home from a long weekend just after the monthly collection of recyclables. Anyway, reacquainting myself with Tom and Lily made me realise I’ve held out on buying it too long and I WILL rectify that matter. Though, I hear on the grapevine that there may be a collection of the first 17 issues in the pipeline.

This new first issue is a great introduction to the lives of our characters for anyone who has never checked out the book before and a great re-introduction for the likes of me. Neatly covering all aspects of the characters, past lives and current situations whilst building on their continuing story. We get to see how Tom is adapting to life in Lily’s native Puerto Rico and how comfortable their relationship has become. There is also a great insight into his struggles as a freelance cartoonist trying to secure overdue payment from a number of past jobs. The methods he employed to squeeze what he’s owed from these guys brought more than a bit of a smirk to my face. If I ever have the guts to stop working for “The Man” and go it alone in a new profession, I’ll be sure to employ some of his inspired tactics should I ever need them.

As a cartoonist, Tom’s art style may look simplistic on first glance, but his seemingly straightforward line work really gives expression to the characters. In particular the facial expressions he employs to convey the joy, sadness, bewilderment and frustration felt by his protagonists and the other folks in their world. I enjoyed seeing his portrayal of a slightly younger version of himself (this is set about 5 years ago) who is still unsure of his talents. Most notable is the fact that the Tom here is afraid to try to get their story published. So here we are at a point in time where the work that becomes the first 4 issues is kept in private, a gift from Tom to Lily. However, I get the feeling that Lily is going to be pretty much instrumental in building the guy’s confidence to a level where he can see is way to getting their story out there. Ah bless ‘em; our ladies can be damn good at doing that.

Throughout this issue there is a real insight into the daily lives of our couple as we see them hanging out with friends, Tom cooking a meal for his lady and even how they end the day together. No, not THAT, put your dirty mind back in the closet. I’m pleased to say it’s not that kind of book. Here we just see them drift contentedly off to sleep, bringing a warm fuzzy glow to yours truly.

I understand the series has received something like 3 Eisner award nominations in the recent past and I reckon they are well deserved. Hopefully this new series may make Mr Beland a certified award winner at some point in the future. In the meantime, I can recommend this to all you good comic readers and perhaps also your non-comic reading friends. In particular, the ladies in your lives. After all, this is the 21st century and it’s about time this generation of fanboys had something to show to their better halves. YES we do have partners and don’t live with out parents still these days, thank you very much! Anyway, it helps to justify our obsession with these peculiar funny book things, eh?

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  • Stephen Crowther Stephen (aka wesman) is the driving force behind the infamous orange knitted Mr T vest*, worn by many a comicbook pro and Millarworlders. Since the T was introduced to the world, he has taken it upon himself to assume the mantle of Millarworld’s “Propmeister General”. If you see a fellow geek in a MW pic wearing a Fez/ Tin Helmet/ Superman chain/Magneto helmet/ greek hat/ cowboy hat/ viking hat/ Indiana Jones hat/ Yoda mask and so on, then he’s the one to blame. A lifelong comicbook geek who’s been devouring the funnybooks since the days when he couldn’t pronouce the s in (S)pider-man, Stephen sneers at all those who assumed that someday he’d grow out of this habit. He is proud to have turned his house into the kind of geek castle that only Carlos Fraile could dream to rival. He is married to Sandra, who is considering setting up a self-help support group for Millarworld widows where they behave like footballers’ wives when dragged to comic-cons and drink-ups.