Spike vs Dracula Trade Paperback

Spike vs Dracula
Written by: Peter David
Art by: Joe Corroney, Jeff Dabu
Published by: IDW
Price: $3.99

“Dracula? Poncy bugger owes me eleven pounds, for one thing.” Spike, Buffy vs Dracula, BtVS Episode 79.

Is that quote enough to publish a 5 part comic series? IDW answer that question with an astounding yes.

Any doubts were put aside once issue 1 was out. As Spike vs Dracula is a light and very funny story to read. The writer caught the attitude perfectly of the beloved characters from BtVS and Angel.

The first issue alone will quell any continuity questions a fan of BtVS may have. Full of continuity that leads back to episodes of not only Buffy but Angel as well, though you may have to look carefully.

With other well known characters showing up, or at least mentioned throughout the series, Bela Legosi, Ed Wood, Hitler, Michael Jackson etc add a few more comedic moments to the overall story.

After issues #1 & #2 follow Spike & Drusilla through time with brilliant artwork by Joe Corroney, it goes down hill from there. Issue 3 finds Spike alone in Nazi Germany and it’s the first issue in the series were the art changes, so be prepared. The first 10 pages are by Jeff Dabu the rest by Joe Corroney and though the art is enjoyable in the first two issues, Spike should not look like Don Adams (agent 86 in GET SMART) perhaps it’s the black hair. It also is the first time Spike teams up with Dracula, but also the noticeable green tinge appears for the first time in Dracula’s skin tone, possibly due to his demise in issue #2?

The 4th issue finds Spike and Dru in Rome, only to have Dru abducted by one who claims to be a humble alchemist, his minions then subsequently abduct Spike. Again the art changes after a few pages, but it is easy to look past it. Unfortunately this encounter leads to the release of an imprisoned Dracula.

The last comic in the series is a joy to read with Harmony’s lusting of Dracula still continuing, it brings a bit of sadness with it as the TV shows are over. With Spike at Wolfram & Hart it’s almost like watching series five of Angel and hoping that there will be more. This is just a bit more for the fans, and it’s the icing on the cake for this series of comics, as not only do you get more glimpse into Spikes past, but also a bit extra that ties in with the last season of Angel.

My biggest complaint about the books is the artwork, the story keeps continuity, unfortunately (due to circumstances beyond control) the art does not. However, Spike vs Dracula is still a joy to read.

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  •  SABRINASabrina Peyton- Newly migrated to the UK to be with her husband. After working for Diamond Comics for a short time she ended up immersed in a few comic book forums and ended up moderating two of the largest, the Warren Ellis Forum (WEF) and Mark Millar’s forum Millarworld). She’s written for Sequential Tart, The Vampirella Magazine, and is Editor in Chief of Fractal Matter.