Archive for April, 2007

The Black Coat: Or Give me Death #1

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

Black Coat continues to offer an almost unique comic experience.


Sunday, April 1st, 2007

300 the film perfectly reflects 300 the graphic novel. The picture quality of the film has a sort of grainy texture and a heightened but limited colour palette, in both cases deliberately based on the look of the artwork of Miller and the colouring work of regular collaborator Lynn Varley

A Weekend In The City- Bloc Party

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

Bloc Party have made an excellent second album that will surely cement their already hard-earned reputation as one of Britain’s most exciting and musically progressive bands.

Nine Inch Nails Live at Nottingham Arena 3/3/2007

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

When the band (though Nine Inch Nails is traditionally just Trent Reznor in the studio, he has a full band for live gigs and touring) finally appear through a literal wall of dry ice, the sound hits like a house-brick through a stained glass window. The sheer energy unleashed by the twin guitar assault would be enough to power a small Shetland town for the next half century.

Grifter/Midnighter # 1

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

The miniseries opens up with action and mayhem, as Midnighter and The Authority try to beat up some alien menace, but the battle turns bad and it looks like the Midnighter’s husband, Apollo, has been eaten by an alien.

Runaways #25

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

The main cast are all still the same people they were in Vaughan’s final issue, and Whedon gives them all strong character moments both large and small

Star Trek: Klingons: Blood Will Tell #1

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

Smart, ambitious and intimately connected to the series without once sacrificing its own identity, Blood Will Tell is a story filled with violence, honour and men with spectacular moustaches.

Transformers Spotlight: Kup

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

The storyline of this one-shot has parallels with Richard Matheson’s I am Legend, another title destined for Hollywood celluloid later this year. One similarity between the two titles is the basic plot: a lone central character fighting both external and internal demons and set in a desolate environment.

Omega Flight #1

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

Oeming’s script is tight, economic and remarkably dark. Opening with the Canadian PM being briefed on the situation, he sets the story in a clear political context that emphasises both the escalating chaos and the toll recent events have taken on the survivors.


Sunday, April 1st, 2007

ARMY@LOVE is about life during endless war time and speculates on how a war without end would change society. The series opens up when Loman, alone in his New England house, calls his wife to see if she knows where he’s left something.